
Sunday, August 26, 2012

Day 5 The Part Where We Screamed... Part 2

Ok, wow, once again I go without posting for a while. I guess I'm just a bit slow. (And by a bit I mean really slow) 

Well, on the 5th day of my trip to the East Coast we visited yet another amusement park, this time it was Kings Dominion. Overall, Kings Dominion had much more intense rides than Busch Gardens.

The first roller coaster we rode was Volcano, it's a jet launch inverted (suspended) coaster, and easily my favorite in the park. It's kinda short but you're going so fast you can't even tell when you're upside down. The coaster is overall thrilling. What's better was the weather wasn't great so the park was near empty.

After a few more coasters and miscellaneous rides my friend and I decided to attempt the most intense and somewhat questionable ride in the park. Now, Intimidator 305 gets it's '305' from the fact that the first drop is a 305 foot drop at an 85 degree angle.
Now, the drop itself is fine, but afterwards the force and speed cause you to black out a bit. Not fun. It gave me a pretty bad headache later on in the day... that is after we rode it one more time. After that ride I think it was official that my friend was now a thrill seeker, despite just starting to ride roller coasters and thrill rides the day before.

With all the rides done for the day, and my mom and I having a headache, we decided to go towards the less intense attractions. One of which was a replica of the Eiffel Tower.
Once we got up there, I was able to get some amazing shots of the park and the previous rides we rode.

With us being extremely tired we left Kings Dominion and got into the car for a 4 hour drive up to our nation's capital! Washington D.C.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

The Progression of: Gears

Well, another piece of art finished, another chance to post the work in progress pictures! (I love work in progress pictures)

Started out with a rough colored sketch and a reference for the tattoo on her shoulder.

 On the left you can see my skin tone palate. That's for when I start shading. The top color is the lighting color, next is base skin tone, then as it goes down it gets to the darker shading.

Done with the base Vector and worked on the hair detail. 

Shaded everything then went back to clean it up and smooth parts of it.

Added a background which was actually my original sketch that I tinted and cleaned up a bit.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Day 4 The Part Where We Screamed... Part 1

Wow, sorry for not posting for so long. I've been a bit busy with a Robotics class... but more about that later!

Right now, it's time to continue my vacation story.

On the fourth day we visited the lovely Busch Gardens in Williamsburg.

We started the day off with a water ride... Lovely. Sure, it was 107 Degrees Fahrenheit, but first thing in the morning with a water ride? Not my kind of thing. But, my friend wanted to ride this really badly, so we did. 

After a few more rides we went over to ride Loch Ness Monster. It has two inversions with a top speed of 60 mph. Now, this roller coaster is really important to me now, because it was my friend's first roller coaster. As the title says, it was the part where we screamed.

One of the reasons it's special is because 2 years ago I made a promise to him that I would take him on a roller coaster. Another is because this started his obsession with thrill seeking. Which, for someone who never leaves the house (like me) is a pretty big deal.

Sadly, it started raining later in the day with thunder so the park shut down... But that gave me a great chance to take a picture of the white rapids ride... Despite it being empty.

All in all, Busch Gardens was awesome and I really wish I could go back and ride more roller- oh wait. The title says part 1! That means there must be more! Yes... yes there is... But not Busch Gardens! 

I'll leave you with some extra pictures while you wait in anticipation for the Part Where We Screamed Part 2!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Days 1-3 The Beginning and The Beach

Alright, so you know how in one of my earlier posts I mentioned something about having pretty awesome plans? Well, this is one of the posts about them!

Last week I visited the East Coast, more specifically Virginia Beach.

The flight out was pretty uneventful and long. We took off at 5 AM PST and landed around 11 AM. Unfortunately, we landed in Baltimore so we had to drive down to VA Beach which ended up being around a 7+ hour drive. 

The next day I met up with my friend who I was visiting, and we went to go see Hunger Games at Cinema Cafe. See, up in the Northwest we don't have Cinema Cafe, so the whole concept of eating while watching a movie was pretty awesome.

After spending the rest of the day after the movie chilling, we decided to visit the beach the next day.

We only spent a few hours down at the beach, but that was enough time to chill in the ocean and take pictures! (not at the same time of course) 
I honestly could've stayed there for a while, but a ton of jellyfish started coming in and when I felt them I started flipping out. They weren't harmful, really, but it was enough to make me wade for my life.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Music Spotlight: Chameleon Circuit

This week I want to share with you all a band that I recently discovered (despite my Whovian friends telling me constantly about them) and absolutely love!

Chameleon Circuit gets their name from the show "Doctor Who" which is rather fitting considering that their songs are inspired by Doctor Who. For those of you who aren't familiar with Doctor Who it's a British sci-fi show about an alien that travels through time in a box and saves the universe multiple times!

Well, enough about Doctor Who for now, but more about the music. This music, to me, is absolutely awesome and I love listening to it so I can pick up the references from the show. Oh, and of course the music itself is good as well.     

Enough of my rambling, you can find Chameleon Circuit's music here: Chameleon Circuit

For those of you that are Whovians, here are some of the songs to geek out over! If you're not a Whovian, just enjoy the music and think about watching Doctor Who, for it's a fantastic show.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Two Year Mark!

So, it's time for my annual progress picture of my art! Every year around this time I try to finish one piece of art that I'm decently proud of. Why? So I can do an [Insert Year Here] progress comparison! 
I got my tablet two years ago, and I personally think I've improved quite a bit. 

Monday, July 2, 2012

Music Spotlight: For Orchestra

Another week and another time for a music spotlight! This time it's Walt Ribeiro, known for his music re-imagining under 'For Orchestra'

The whole idea behind For Orchestra is to re-create songs as instrumental mixes. The songs range from common day pop songs to songs you would really only know if you were really involved in internet culture. The songs are really imaginative and truly could be pulled off by an orchestra if sheet music was made.

This concept really interests me and I'm always excited when I see a new song pop up on their Soundcloud page which can be found here: For Orchestra

Here are a few of my favorite songs that they re-made.

Street Fighter's 5th: Guile's Theme vs Beethoven For Orchestra by ForOrchestra Daft Punk 'Harder Better Faster Stronger' For Orchestra by Walt Ribeiro by ForOrchestra Aha 'Take On Me' For Orchestra by ForOrchestra

Thursday, June 28, 2012

If only there were a decent beach up here

So school recently ended for me (Went on way to long because of snow days) and now I can actually be somewhat social! (for me that means leaving the house about once a week...)
Anyways, so far Summer has been great, but unfortunately the first day we had some classic Washington rain and grey sky.

 There was a pretty tree in my backyard that I noticed while I was making some lunch so I decided to go take pictures of it. (Don't worry my camera didn't get wet)

Later in the week my friend and I went into Seattle to see 'Ocean Waves' as part of the Seattle International Film Festival. It was a pretty cute movie in my opinion.

As far as the rest of the summer I have some pretty awesome plans! (Which includes going to a beach that's not freezing cold!) So make sure to watch for those posts.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Music Spotlight: Daft Beatles

Music is a big part of my life so I decided to post about some of the music I listen to! I listen to quite a wide variety and my preferences tend to shift with every week that passes.

Anyways, this week I'm going to talk about a person that puts their music under the name of "Daft Beatles" Now, as you can imagine from the mashed up title (Taken from Daft Punk and The Beatles) the music is a variety of mashed together songs.

You can visit their Soundcloud Page here: Daft Beatles

 Just so you can get an idea of what the mash-ups sound like here are a few of my favorites. (But of course there are many more that I love)

Depeche Mode Vs Eurythmics - SWEET SILENCE - @daftbeatles MASHUP by DAFT BEATLES
Daft Punk Vs The Beatles - 'Eleanoround The World' - THE ORIGINAL @daftbeatles MASH UP by DAFT BEATLES

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Sketch Dump 2

Adding onto my series of sketch dumps here are some of my digital sketches that I've done in the past months.

The top left is Merida from Pixar's Brave. Bottom right is Paige from Tron: Uprising. The other two are avatars from a forum I use. 

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Field Trip!

Today there was an end of the year field trip for my school, so of course I went! (It's not like I had anything more social to do anyways) 
On the trip there I ended up on a bus with no one next to me... But luckily I had my camera and my good friend Skelebunny to keep me company. 

We finally arrived and it was great. Just from stepping in you could tell that there was plenty to do!

 Bumper Boats with water sprayers. Needless to say I was very scared with my camera around this attraction. 

Skellebunny absolutely rocked the fedora!

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Sketch Dump 1

So as the school year comes to a close I decided I'm going to do a huge Sketch Dump from everything I've drawn during the year.

In this selection most recent to least recent goes from the top left, top right, bottom left, then the oldest is the bottom right.

Clearly some of them are unfinished and others are much more complicated than others. I really wanted to finish the top left picture but I started losing time for it, sadly.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

The Making Of: Spring Afternoon

Not to long ago I did an art piece that I titled Spring Afternoon (really cheesy and horrible title, I know) and I saved some Work in progress (WIP) pictures of it so I could look back at the process.

I started with a sketch like this. The sketch is colored and a bit more detailed than usual, but that's what I ended up with anyways.

Next, I vectored over the sketch and ditched the lines, and of course added a bit of detail.As you can see, it's not exactly the same as the sketch. I tweaked and changed a few things such as the eyes and mouth.
Finally, I added more detail, shading, and a background to pull it all together.  For the background, jewel/gem things, and the bow I used gradients to get that nice fading effect.

Woo Hoo! New Blog!

Hey there! Um, I'm not really sure what to say other than this is my new blog! I plan to post pictures, art, and just other stuff relevant to me, I guess.

There should hopefully be one post every week, but no promises!

Anyways, hello new blog and non-existant readers. Hope to post again soon!