
Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Days 1-3 The Beginning and The Beach

Alright, so you know how in one of my earlier posts I mentioned something about having pretty awesome plans? Well, this is one of the posts about them!

Last week I visited the East Coast, more specifically Virginia Beach.

The flight out was pretty uneventful and long. We took off at 5 AM PST and landed around 11 AM. Unfortunately, we landed in Baltimore so we had to drive down to VA Beach which ended up being around a 7+ hour drive. 

The next day I met up with my friend who I was visiting, and we went to go see Hunger Games at Cinema Cafe. See, up in the Northwest we don't have Cinema Cafe, so the whole concept of eating while watching a movie was pretty awesome.

After spending the rest of the day after the movie chilling, we decided to visit the beach the next day.

We only spent a few hours down at the beach, but that was enough time to chill in the ocean and take pictures! (not at the same time of course) 
I honestly could've stayed there for a while, but a ton of jellyfish started coming in and when I felt them I started flipping out. They weren't harmful, really, but it was enough to make me wade for my life.

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